Terms of use

Welcome to the website of MeDom real estate, an agency for mediation in real estate (abbreviated: MeDom real estate), www.medom-nekretnine.com
MeDom real estate provides information on these web pages available to the public exclusively for informational purposes, constantly working to ensure the reliability, correctness, and accuracy of the information by regularly updating the data published on these web pages.
MeDom real estate strives to ensure that all information published here is accurate and complete at all times, however, due to the frequency of information changes and the shortness of the publication deadlines, errors are also possible. MeDom real estate reserves the right to change the content published on these websites at any time, at its own discretion and without prior notice.
The published information is of an informative nature only, and for the purpose of making decisions related to real estate, we recommend consultation with an authorized employee of the MeDom real estate agency, who will be able to provide professional advice and information according to your interests and needs.
In an effort to continuously improve the site, the MeDom real estate agency collects data on downloaded content, time of visit, method of access, data related to IP address and the most visited content, while not intruding into the user's privacy, which is maximally respected and protected.
The information available on the MeDom real estate web pages should not be considered as a basis for making final, personal, financial or business decisions, and as a site visitor, you agree not to hold these sites responsible for failure to meet your expectations in this regard.
Unauthorized attempts to change data in the system, ignoring security settings or bypassing them, or using the system contrary to its intended purpose, is strictly prohibited.

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All About Cookies http://www.allaboutcookies.org